Sunday, May 8, 2011

For the love of dance...

I had danced ballet and modern for 11 years before I was diagnosed with bone cancer which took away my ability to dance again. It has been 6 years since I have physically been able to dance the way I used to. And I miss it every day...

I love bringing my 2 passions together (dance & photography) and I feel it is the closest I can get to being in that moment again.

It was a twist of fate that I happened to be in the city when this Riverbank local dance company performed in Golden Gate Park. It was also a twist of fate that in the 20 minutes I was there, this group performed and that I had my camera on me.

The dance moved me so so much. And when I was naming the photos I had captured from this work of art it seemed to coincide with their actual message they wanted to portray (I found out later that the name of the dance was "Hereafter").

I think both KT Davis dance and myself were truly truly blessed to have this opportunity to meet no matter how brief.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, it was a twist of fate that our worlds collided beautifully and I blessed beyond words. I am so grateful that you chose within those short moments to capture the true essence in still life. This peice has had a journey and was therapy for me which is why I love dance. The dancers are in awe and can't believe what they are seeing! As I have said I would love to some work with you in the future. Obviously your love for dance is so ever present in what you have captured. Thank you for sharing!!!

    Kim T Davis
